Day 7
Wake up again this morning, from Cambridge, in Valentina’s house where with Mario we eat a quick breakfast and then off to the underground. Heading for Charles Eiver and the last races at the Community Boating. After completing the various formalities as we wait we immerse ourselves in the spirit of this club that seeks to bring everyone into sailing and is much frequented by kids of all ages. It’s great organisational ability always surprises me. After a briefing we set off to rig the 420 provided by the club, a bit worried by a rig that is slightly different from what we’re used to but then onto the water with our usual smile! Although the format is very “easy” the girls do very well with a first, second and sixth place. Back on land at 2:30 and then in the underground again where we bump into Antonella. We decide to get off at Park Street for a quick hamburger and then back on the underground heading for Brigham Hospital where Luca and Andrea to show us round the hospital and their laboratories. The girls have fun seeing the life of a researcher and discover how important studying in researches to solve many health problems.
After the laboratory we all go to the prize-giving ceremony for Ilaria and Miriana, which gives us a chance to find and greet all the kind people who helped us enjoy this fantastic experience.
During the ceremony the girls also deliver a letter of thanks for the Consulate. A bite to eat and then off to Cape Cod. At last this year too Frank joins us at the ceremony and will put us up in the weekend in his house in Falmouth! The trip lasts less than expected and after little more than an hour we are in this quiet town on the ocean. This evening we hope to go to bed not too late to be on form for the coming fantastic days.
Day 8
The wake-up in Falmouth is always fantastic. All you hear is the wind rustling the leaves and some little birds cheerily accompanying this relaxing rhythm.
Frank is already at work preparing bilberry pancakes. Mario was with me; over a cup of coffee we chat with Frank and after the first round of pancakes Mariano and Ilaria arrive. Frank explains how to cook them and puts them right away to the test. The result is excellent. We have a hearty breakfast and then into swimming costumes and with kayaks and paddles set off for the river. The girls are cautious at first but then start having a lot of fun on the river, chasing the many curious ducks frightened by the presence of the two canoes.
After an hour with the kayaks we return home (it’s just round the corner!) And while the girls play in the garden the tireless Frank prepares sandwiches to take to the beach. We take fruit, cold drinks, a beach umbrella, seats, towels and all set off to the ocean. Falmouth is right in front of Martha’s Vineyard and because of particular currents the water is warm and makes it possible to swim in the ocean, which you can’t take for granted at these latitudes.
The girls prefer the colours of the Mediterranean (obviously) but enjoy their first dip in the ocean. We spend a very relaxing day on the beach, the girls lazing in the sun as we talk with great curiosity about many things, even the sociological studies of Banfield on Basilicata which interest Frank very much as he has roots in Lucania.
Towards 5 o’clock we return home and start preparing dinner. A barbecue, American potato salad, vegetables, a caprese (yes, Frank found a mozzarella di bufala for us!). Carla and her husband join us to dinner to meet the by now famous Italian Mascalzones. After dinner we go for a trip round Falmouth with Frank’s open top Mini looking for some souvenir T-shirts, but unfortunately the smallest American sizes are too big for the two Mascalzones. Here even the sizes are bigger!
After a walk we return home to bed. By now we are near to the end of our journey. Tomorrow will be our last day in Falmouth before packing and going back to Italy.