The Sailing School is a delicate and complicated social project, the pride of a philosophy that has taken concrete shape and aims to make possible a healthy sports such as sailing for all children in quarters of Naples and the Province in difficult social conditions. It is the heartfelt wish of its founder Vincenzo Onorato to restore dignity and create freedom of choice for the less fortunate because his inspiration stems from a precise conviction summed up in a simple and by now well-known statement: “I believe that the future of the children of Naples can come from the sea”. To demonstrate the truth of this, there was no better way than creating a place exclusively for kids in areas of the Province of Naples that are at risk, a second home, welcoming and clean, with well-qualified and caring staff who look after them.

A safe place where, after school, it is possible to nourish, educate and let the kids go sailing with precise objectives. The main aim of the Sailing School has been right from the beginning to offer young people in difficult areas a chance of redemption through the sport of sailing and its most important values: loyalty, strength and courage. It is also to be hoped that the activities carried out at the Sailing School can also serve in the future to start the kids on a professional career related to the sea or in other areas.


In 2010 the Mascalzone Latino Foundation was set up with the aim of raising funds to support the project, aiming to permit access to the activities of the Mascalzone Latino Sailing School to a large number of kids over the years of compulsory schooling and until they came of age. So after having enjoyed an excellent “alternative to the streets”, once they have finished their schooling and also their days of racing, will be supported and aided in finding jobs thanks to the art of seamanship they have learned in their seasons with the Mascalzones.


Vincenzo Onorato: Founder and President
Roberto De Rosa: Vice-President / Institutional relations
Antonietta De Falco: Operational Director/Relations with the FIV
Anna Caruso: Secretary and Administration
Ciro Luongo: Technical coordinator, 420 racing team instructor
Antonio Dell’Omo Beneduce: Laser instructor, head of maintenance
Luigi De Filippo: 420 instructor, head of workshop and sail loft project
Salvatore Ercolano: Optimist racing team instructor
Alessandro De Crescenzo: Optimist and pre-racing instructor


The headquarters and Marine base of the Mascalzone Latino Sailing School is in Via Acton 1 in Naples on Italian Navy property. It has a total covered surface of more than 800 m² and, with the Sailing Section of the Navy in Naples (SE.VE.NA.), shares more than 1000 m² of quayside and exterior space. In 2010 its founder, Vincenzo Onorato, financed the complete restructuring of the site, making it hospitable and ideal for the kind of activities carried out there.

There are living areas, a library, spacious changing rooms, a treatment room, kitchen, dining room, administrative offices, an instructors’area, a classroom for theory lessons with a video projector, a spacious hospitality and TV area and naturally a well-equipped gym where the young students can train, play and engage in educational activities. The spacious and suggestive panoramic terraces look out on the Molosiglio harbour and I used for socialising and, if needed, are ideal for hosting events and gatherings supporting the project.